Subject: Cool Sounds-1 SND Author: Sk8er666 Uploaded By: Sk8er666 Date: 5/7/1994 File: Cool Sounds-1.sea (244117 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1105 Equipment: any mac Needs: Sound Utility Keywords: Chimp Horn Explosion Fireworks Steel ***** LIBRARY: MMS/Sound Samples/Misc. Samples ------------------- KEYWORDS: Chimp Horn Explosion Fireworks Steel ***** Some REALLY cool sound effects that I sampled and recorded myself, including... SHIPS' HORN- Your basic ships' horn, but better! 9-mm-Sounds like... guess what?, a 9-mm CHIMPS-Your basic chimps having fun. (Could be mistaken for humans having fun... you'll like it.) EXPLOSION-A really cool sounding explosion w/reverb, would make a good system beep. FIREWORKS-(Really firecrackers) Sounds nice! SAWING STEEL-The basic process of sawing steel IN SOUND!!, Another good system beep. Sample Quality: ***** ------------------------------------------------------------ Macintosh Music & Sound Forum Go Keyword:MMS This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.5 (AB)